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Gravitational couches

Hardware and software systems for restoring normal biomechanics and functioning of the spinal column and paravertebral muscles by traction along the line of the spine natural curvature with the support of its physiological shape. A number of devices, depending on the model and configuration, are equipped with additional equipment:

  • Micro-vibration device
  • Thermal exposure device
  • Electric drive for adjusting the pulling force
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Новое высокоэффективное устройство профилактики и лечения дегенеративно-дистрофических заболеваний позвоночного столба.

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256 000.00 Р

Minimum quantity for "Гравислайдер 21В" is 1.

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501 600.00 Р

Minimum quantity for "Гравислайдер 20В" is 1.

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Minimum quantity for "Гравислайдер 20А" is 1.

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470 600.00 Р

Minimum quantity for "Гравислайдер 19В Усиленный" is 1.

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The simplest device for professional use.

The traction force is manually adjustable. Maximum user weight - 140 kg, height - 220 cm.

Minimum quantity for "Gravislayder 19A" is 1.

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